Meeting 19th July

Claire EstickUncategorisedLeave a Comment

We welcomed one new mother to our meeting. Liz shared a reading which was followed by a discussion about guilt. Each parent contributed about their regrets and the big IF ONLY…… like getting advice from a medical person earlier, making a phone call to the child when they thought about it and not a day later when it was too late. Parents of older children found it hard to be totally involved with their independent child; they recognized the difficulties of a child in need when not living at home anymore.

Throughout this tough discussion parents supported  and reassured each other.

Parents talked about the holiday and how little it now means to go away since their child died.

Parents who have been bereaved for longer tried to re assure the group that it will get easier in time but it is a long and difficult journey.

There was time for families to chat after the meeting which was useful and a day is being planned to meet up for an opportunity to share and write down what has been helpful for bereaved parents. It also will be a chance to chat to one another instead being in a group discussion.

Our next meeting will be

Thursday 16th August – 7.30 at

The Peartree Centre

1 Chadds Lane, Peartree Bridge, MK6 3 EB

Any parent who lost a child is welcome.



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